Changes up ahead!


We are in the process of creating a new and improved website. Due to the changes, we are not currently updating this website and apologise for the images not displaying properly. We appreciate your patience and trust that the wait will be worthwhile!


Inspirations from Design Indaba 2013

Here follows a brief and paraphrased selection of pearls from this year’s Indaba:

Alexander Chen (Google): What is the sound of a scribble? (the question which eventually led to the hugely popular Les Paul ‘pluckable’ and recordable Google guitar logo)

Masashi Kawamura (Party – creative lab): If you use the same tools as everyone else, your stuff will look the same as everything else. We can create our own tools.

Alex Atala (chef, Brazil): The best way to be global is to be local. Put all your preconceptions aside. Sometimes the same smell/flavour can be delicious or disgusting, e.g. meat browning and a body being incinerated or dirty sneakers and cheese. We throw away lots of food. Don’t use 10 chicken wings, use an entire animal. This is respect. It’s time to review our relation with ingredients.

Asif Khan (architect): What is the simplest form of architecture? A roof, a cloud. Bubblebath could be architecture: combined with hydrogen gas, it can make clouds.

Christoph Niemann: Pursuing dead ends is creative life-ensurance.


Design Indaba Film Festival

Andrew at DI FilmFest

Image (c) Haley De Vantier

Andrew was invited to give his two cents on using humour in one’s work as an introduction to the film “Beauty is Embarrassing” (a film highlighting the highs and lows of art icon Wayne White’s career) last Thursday at the Design Indaba FilmFest. Along with cracking a few jokes, his main point was that humour helps one to connect with the audience on a human level and can make the message you’re trying to communicate more memorable.  Photo by the über talented Haley De Vantier from ‘haley takes photos.’


Available in October 2012! Cover illustration by Kronk. We did the infographic on the right.

We’re very excited to be featured in the upcoming Thames & Hudson publication, Goodvertising, due for release in October. The book is authored by Danish advertising consultant, Thomas Kolster, who is a passionate advocate for environmentally and socially responsible advertising. You can pre-order a copy here and see our work on the very first page!


Metaphoria turned 2 today!

Happy birthday to us!

Illustration by Robert Dersley.

Thanks to a little bit of luck, a good dose of love for what we do and the best clients and partners we could have hoped for, the first two years of our operation has flown by as loads of fun was being had. One of the greatest rewards has been learning about developments across various industries, but in particular the surge of possibilities opening up right beneath our feet. Living and working in Africa has never been as exciting as the era we’re about to enter. The introduction of new fibreoptic cables on the east and west of Africa is heralding a new era for the continent, opening up as yet unseen opportunities for local technology start-ups and users.

Thank you to all our clients for letting us be a part of this revolution, sharing insights and enabling us to do what we love.


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